MASSIMO SIMBULA (Cagliari – Milano) started his activity as legal consultant in 1998. He provided legal assistance to Government, International Organization and Institutions (FMI, World Bank, European Commission, Central Banks) in major international projects, including privatization of state owned companies, cross- border operation, FinTech, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.
He was foreign in-house lawyer and associate of a major Italian international law firm, covering for more than 6 years activity in EU and US countries. He was also senior internal lawyer of FENDI (LVMH Group) for three years providing legal support for the company in more than 30 countries worldwide.
He currently assists Italian accelerators of Digital Startups, Venture Capital with a focus on Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and many companies operating in the field of Fintech and blockchain services (including Escrow services, DAO, Digital Signature and timestamping on blockchain, NFT etc.). Massimo is arbitrator in disputes relating .IT domain names.
He serves as legal board member in Italian Association, in, and other association.
Massimo Simbula is intensively active in seminars and workshops in Italy and abroad as speaker, related to blockchain, cryptocurrencies and Defi and he is often appointed as President of Giury in many contest for Digital Startup, including those organized by Startup Italia.
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